Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Villians in Horror Films - Past to present

Here are my notes from the lesson of 0bserving different Villians in different Horror films. We were asked to place the images in order of years. We also catagorised the villians to see was was similar about them and how villians are stereotypically portrayed in horror films.

What is typical about villians in horror films?
* Masked Killers
*Possessed child killers
*Human killers with a motive

Monday, 27 June 2011

Genre Theory, The Hypodermic Needle Theory and The Two Step Flow Theory

The "Hypodermic Needle Theory" implied mass media had a direct, immediate and powerful effect on its audiences. The mass media in the 1940s and 1950s were perceived as a powerful influence on behavior change. Our teaser trailer must influence the audience to go and view our film in the cinema, by the use of exciting and thrilling motions, but it must not effect them in such a way in that they want to go and behave like the characters in the film.
From MediaKnowall

The theory suggests that the mass media could influence a very large group of people directly and uniformly by 'injecting' them with certain messages designed to trigger a desired response.
There are two images used to express this theory (a bullet and a needle) both suggest a powerful and direct flow of information from the sender (mass media) to the receiver (viewer). The bullet theory graphically suggests that the message is a bullet fired from the 'media gun' into the viewer's 'head'.

They suggest that the media is a dangerous way to communicate an idea across because the receiver or audience is powerless to resist the impact of the message. The population is seen as a sitting duck. People end up thinking what they are told because there is no other source of information.
The two step flow of communication model hypothesizes that ideas flow from mass media to opinion leaders and then to a wider population. Since our teaser trailer does not feature any opinion leaders (such as famous actors) then this theory will not apply to us.
Opinion leaders tend to be similar to those they influence - based on personality, interests, demographics, or sociological-economic factors. These leaders tend to influence others to change their attitudes and behaviors. Large figures such as Lady Gaga has influenced many people through the media to change their fashion style through her own wacky mix of clothes she wears. The two-step theory refined the ability to predict how media messages influence audience behavior and explains why certain media campaigns do not alter audiences' attitudes.

Semantic and Syntactic Features of Horror Films

From research on Rick Altman's genre theory I have found that he argued genres are usually defined in terms of media language or certain ideologies and narratives.

Questionnaire Results

Here are my results for my questionnaire to give a clear indication as to what people would want on a trailer, website and poster.

Thursday, 23 June 2011



Hello! I’m Tiffany Roberts, a student from Sponne 6th form. I am studying A2 Media and am taking out this questionnaire to find out how to get the best results for my horror trailer, website and poster. As part of my research and planning, I need to compile, conduct and analyse the results of a questionnaire on audience consumption and gratifications derived from the horror genre.
I will ensure my questions allow enough scope for people to really explore and discuss both their viewing habits and the gratifications they derive from this genre of film.
If you feel that you cannot answer some of the questions, then feel free to leave them blank.

    1) Are you male or female?

Male □     Female

2)    How old are you?

15-20 □     21-25 □    26-30 □    31-40 □    41-50 □     60+ □


3)    Where do you usually go to watch a horror film?

Cinema □     Home □     Friend’s house □   

4)    How often do you watch horror films?

Rarely □     Occasionally □     Often □     Frequently □     

5)    Here is a list of horror sub genres; circle any that you enjoy watching.

  • Werewolf films
  • Vampire films
  • Urban Gothic
  • Survival horror
  • Zombie films
  • Psychological horror
  • Monster films
  • Survival horror
  • Splatter film
  • Slasher film
  • Comedy horror
  • Supernatural

6)   Name three of your favourite horror films?


7)   To question 6, why have you chosen these as your favourite?


8)    Also, from one of the films that you have chosen who would be your favourite character?

9)    When your watching a horror film, do you prefer to be;

§         Shocked
§         Made to feel that you have to be on the edge of your seat
§         Covering your face because you are that scared
§         Upset
§         Disgusted

10)                       When you’re watching a horror film, do you prefer to see the killer or not?


11) Name three of your worst horror films?

12) What time of the day do you prefer to watch a horror film?

Morning □     Afternoon □     Evening □     Late at night □   

13) How do you find out about different horror films?

Posters □    TV Adverts □    Magazines □     Websites □   

    14) In the film trailer, how much of the plot do you think should be shown?

      As much as possible As little as possible None at all

   15) What adds to the effect of tension in a horror film?
Suspense music □          Long silences □            Screaming □       Children’s laughter □       sharp high pitch sounds □                              
Low pitch grumbles and tremors □

16) What would attract you most to a horror poster?


17) Would you like to be able to see the trailer on the website?

Yes □                     No □

18) Should the website and poster follow the same colour scheme?

Yes □                    No □

19) How long would you prefer the trailer to run for?

0-1 minutes               1-2 minutes           2-3 minutes        
3-4 minutes             5 minutes +

20) How do you think the opening of the trailer should open?

Everyday life/present time □   Flashback/flash forward □   Action/murder □ dark shots □

Thank you!

Here is a questionnaire that I have asked the public. This questionnaire has asked different questions to see what they would prefer to have in a poster, website and trailer. From this questionnaire I will be able to use the answers and create the best media products that I can.

What the Coursework involves:
I am in a group of two which has it's advantages because we are both photography students, Jenny takes ICT as an A Level and we also love media.
We have been asked to construct three different media products and we all have to undertake the genre of horror. The three media products include:
- Trailer
- Website
- Poster
This choice of coursework will show our potential into being a media student and will expand out knowledge into the genre of horror which I am really excited about.